I heard about the new Bleach movie Fade to Black months ago, but I didn't give a damn for two reasons. one: I was losing interest in Bleach. And two, I didn't like the other Bleach movies.
I stopped following the series after the gang started their endless battles with the espada. I have all the respect for Kubo-sensei and more, but the story started feeling a bit boring for me at that point, so I decided to stop watching the series until the fights are concluded or until Kubo starts presenting a new arc.
I must say that the last filler arc revived the blind admiration I have for Bleach. It was as most fans said the best Bleach filler ever.
Memories of No Body was not that good, and to tell the truth, I did not like Senna's character that much
Diamond Dust Rebellion was worse. and to add to that, its story totally contradicts the current filler involving the Zanpaktu rebellion. According to the filler episodes, and I know they don't count as the main story, Zanapktus are souls born from their wielder's soul. that's why they share common traits with them.
This new movie, and I hope I'm right though I doubt that, seems to have a good plot. Besides, it involves the two main characters of the series unlike the previous movies where the focus is either given to a new character or a side character.
Here are the trailers:
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